Bullies Never Change Until Forced To – Bohdi Sanders

Warrior - Bohdi Sanders

I mind my own business.
You mind yours or YOU
will become MY BUSINESS.
Mudit Srivastava

Have you ever noticed how trouble makers, trolls, and frauds always seem to enjoy putting their noses in everyone else’s business? The only people in the martial arts world that I have ever had any issues with are the people who like to personally attack others because their own lives are so pathetic.

These people never seem to be willing to work to improve themselves, but rather, enjoy trying to point out others’ issues, even if they have to make them up. Guys like this are always calling people in an urgent panic because they “found out that so and so is a fake and a fraud” or attacking people from the supposed safety of their own little box they live in. The kicker is that it is always the martial arts frauds who engage in this kind of behavior.

I don’t understand how people live this way. I mind my own business and don’t have time to mind everyone else’s business; nor do I have the desire to. I leave that to the fakes, frauds, and Gladys Kravitz’s of the world. People who are busy improving their own lives have no time for such idiocy.

Furthermore, these bored little trolls won’t stop there, as the truth is rarely interesting enough, nor does it serve their purposes. They have to make up lies in order to make their little stories more interesting. These people are compulsive liars and often spend more time inventing stories than they do training, if they even train at all.

People like this mind everyone’s business but their own. When you finally wade through their bullshit, you find that pretty much everything they accuse others of, is not only a lie, but is stuff that they are guilty of themselves. They are so unhappy with their own miserable lives, the lies they live, and their lack of character, that they seek to bring everyone else down to their level.

Moreover, these pathetic souls do not stop at merely gossiping, libel, slander, and defamation of character, but they like to use the internet to do their bidding. They don’t have the character or courage to face anyone man-to-man with their lies, so they hide their cowardice behind a computer screen. These are the bullies of the internet – cowards, liars, and frauds.

These sadly pathetic cowards usually get away with their small lives, that is until they cross paths with the wrong guys. There are some people in this world who not only mind their own business, but who will make YOU their business if you attack them with classless lies in some pathetic attempt to make yourself feel better about your own worthless life.

When that happens, these little trolls get a rude awakening, just like the bully on the playground when he bullies the wrong kid. Not everyone is willing to be pushed around; warriors don’t play that game. When you hit them, they hit back!

Bullies are only stopped when someone give them a major attitude adjustment; they never just decide what they are doing is wrong. After a bully harasses the wrong person, and gets a severe wake up call, he usually stops his bullying. That works with with kids, but not with many adult losers who pull this stuff.

Those guys are more likely to be psychotic losers who hate everyone whose life is better than the mess they have created for themselves. You may have to make them your business for a while and hit them much harder.

All bullies will continue to bully people until they are stopped, one way or another. I never allow a bully to go unchecked; doing so only enables him to pull the same garbage on the next unsuspecting person.

When you run a cross a bully, don’t simply ignore his actions. You are a warrior, act like it! Don’t allow scum and bullies to continue to hurt others without suffering the consequences of their actions. Warrior up and adjust some attitudes!

Bohdi Sanders ~ author of the #1 Bestsellers,
and the new TOP 15 book, BUSHIDO: The Way of the Warrior

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