Use Your Enemy’s Anger

Duncan McLeod Quotes

The most important lesson…Anger doesn’t give you an edge, it blunts it. Make your adversary angry. The madder he gets, the more chances you have he’ll make a mistake. Duncan McLeod

Pushing your enemy to the point of uncontrollable anger has been a successful strategy for thousands of years. Yet, even today, many falsely believe that anger makes you stronger and almost undefeatable. They feel the adrenaline rush and believe that all of a sudden, they are invincible and nothing can stop them. They are wrong!

The truth is that the adrenaline rush that comes with anger does give you a shot of energy, but it also makes you act without thinking, especially if you are untrained or undisciplined. And acting on emotion instead of from a place of calm, rational thought, can get you into a lot of trouble. It can cause you to make fatal mistakes.

We all get angry from time to time; that is just a part of being a human being. The trick is not to allow your anger to control your mind or your actions. You must be disciplined. You must discipline your mind to stay calm and think rationally, no matter how angry you may be. If you don’t, your anger can easily be used to defeat you.

On the other hand, if you know how to use your enemy’s anger against him, it can become a valuable weapon in your arsenal. Push him until he loses control, and you have just increased your odds of defeating him. Once he allows his anger to take control, he will make a mistake; it is just a matter of time.

What you must do is learn to control your mind and emotions, and at the same time, be prepared to take advantage of the situation once your enemy’s anger causes him to present you with an opening. Both of these require training and experience.

Always remember this when anyone is trying to push your buttons. It is easy to grasp when you are calmly reading about this strategy and these facts, but harder to remember in the heat of the moment, when the adrenaline and anger start to rage. But if you simply remember that anger doesn’t give you an edge, it blunts it, it will remind you to stay calm and controlled in every situation.

Never allow anyone else to control your mind or emotions. The second you do, they have the upper hand. Always stay in control and think rationally, not emotionally. Warrior up! Bohdi Sanders ~ author of BUSHIDO: The Way of the Warrior, available from Amazon at: or from The Wisdom Warrior website at:

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