Teach your Kids to Stop Bullying

Quit Babying Kids
There will always be bullies.
Quit babying your kids and teach them
to stand up and defend themselves.
It’s time to quit raising snowflakes
and start raising men and women!
Bohdi Sanders

There will always be bullies, and probably always have been bullies. It is simply a fact of life that many people on our planet are rude, obnoxious jerks for whatever reason. There are bullies on in elementary school, middle school, high school, and in our adult life. Some people are simply not wired right and don’t play well with others.

I won’t get into all the possible causes of bullying, as that would fill a whole book, but I have had my fair share of dealing with bullies over the years. Bullies can take a sweet kid with a good heart and crush his or her spirit if they are allowed to continue their vile actions. I have watched how their actions can totally destroy a young person’s spirit and self-confidence and WILL NOT tolerate a bully in any form, period.

People often tell me that I should not hit back when some bully attacks me, my family, or my friends. They tell me stuff like, “It makes you look childish. It is beneath you. You must take the high road.” Bullshit! I will NOT tolerate a bully in any form. If you hit me, my family or my friends, I will hit you back 10 times as hard; and I will continue to hit you until you straighten the hell up.

If you think that is me taking the low road or that it is beneath me, then that is YOUR issue, not mine! I do what’s mine to do, your opinion of it doesn’t affect me. If that makes you think less of me, again, your thoughts are none of my business; I am only responsible for my actions, not your overly sensitive psyche or how you see the world.

Every child should be taught how to defend themselves from the fools we call bullies. Parents should foster their children’s self-esteem and self-defense skills in order to prepare them to deal with the twisted beings that they will inevitably run across in their life.

Some of these jerks can be ignored and walked away from, if the child has a high self-esteem, but even then, it I believe it still hurts their self-esteem. I am a believer that you don’t let anyone get by disrespecting you without consequences. When you do, I believe that it weakens your spirit and your self-esteem.

From my vast experience dealing with bullies, both in school and in later life, I can tell you that most bullies don’t quit being a bully on their own. It takes someone with both the confidence and ability to give them a stern attitude adjustment for them to quit. As my friend, GM William Powell, teaches, you must leave a lasting impression on the bully. Leave an imprint that they will never forget!

This means you have to hit them back so hard that even the thought of bullying you again makes them a little nauseous. In simple, straight forward terms – you need to kick the crap out of them! This doesn’t always have to be a physical beating though.

In school, most of the time, it does need to be a good, firm thrashing. But later in life, we learn there is more than one way to thoroughly put some idiot, who is trying to bully you, in his place. You can cost them their job, out them with a private detective’s report, etc. The possibilities are endless for adults.

However, kids in school, it usually takes someone who is capable to give the bully a good, hard attitude adjustment. You simply must teach your kids how to defend themselves, in every way. If you don’t, the wolves will harass them, beat them down, and permanently damage their fragile spirit. I have seen this happen time and time again.

There will always be bullies. Quit babying your kids and teach them to stand up and defend themselves. It’s time to quit raising snowflakes and start raising men and women!

Don’t buy into the bullshit political correctness that plagues our culture today. Teach your children that when some punk hits them, to hit that punk back 10 times harder. Bullies only respect power. Every time they get away with harassing a young person, the monster inside them grows. Every time a bully gets his butt kicked, we save someone else who may not be able to defend himself.

This is just another reason that children need to be taught the warrior lifestyle. Not only do we need to teach our children to defend themselves, but we need to teach them how to defend others, to have the confidence to be sheepdogs and to never tolerate the wolves who try to prey on the weak and defenseless.

You may ask, “Won’t the school suspend my son if he fights back? Won’t that affect his grades?” Yes, our politically correct schools are run by half-wits and morons for the most part. They no longer care about molding men and women, but about test scores and their rankings in the school system. Don’t allow political cowards like school administrators to dictate how YOU raise YOUR children.

I always told my boys that I would rather see them fight back and get suspended than to ignore a problem and let some punk get by bullying them. I let them know that I would take care of the principal if it comes down to that; and I did so more than once. I have no problem putting some 3rd rate political hack in his place.

It is time for people to start putting their children’s character, honor, and integrity over a corrupt education system. Put building their character over grades and jumping through hoops designed to turn them into sheep instead of men and women. Teach your children to be warriors and to stand against bullying!

Bohdi Sanders
author of the books
The Warrior Ethos and
Secrets of the Martial Arts Masters

Available on Amazon and TheWisdomWarrior.com

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