You Need A moral Code of Right and wrong

John Wayne Wisdom by Bohdi Sanders

Every man need two things to live a successful life. First, he needs a moral code of right and wrong; and secondly, he must have a backbone to keep him from being swayed by those with no moral code. John Wayne

Every man and every woman should have a moral code of right and wrong that they live by. If you have no code of ethics, you are just blowing in the wind, doing whatever you feel like at the time. You have nothing guiding you, keeping you on the right path.

While this may sound like a fun, carefree way of living, it is actually a sorry way to go through life and absolutely is not acceptable to the true warrior. Warriors live their life by a code. It may not be a code which everyone would want to live by, but when it comes to your personal code of honor, everyone else doesn’t matter. You set your own standards and you alone are responsible for your actions.

We have entirely too many people in the world who go through life with no moral code. They will lower their standards anytime it seems personally profitable. Never trust anyone who doesn’t live his or her life with a code of ethics, as they can change as fast as the weather.

Men and women of honor always live by a code of ethics. There are certain things in their lives which are non-negotiable. They know who they are and what they stand for. They also know what they will not stand for.

If you don’t know what you stand for and what you won’t stand for, then you have no code and no standards; you are just blowing in the wind. That is no way for any warrior to live! Warrior up and take a stand for what’s right. Be the person you were meant to be! Bohdi Sanders Shihan ~ author of the #1 Bestseller, MODERN BUSHIDO: Living a Life of Excellence, available from Amazon at: or from The Wisdom Warrior website at:

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