Be Careful who you trust – Bohdi Sanders

Viking with Axe - Bohdi Sanders

Everybody swears that they are solid, but ice is solid too, until you put some heat on it.

Since the beginning of time, every single person in who has betrayed another person has declared that he or she is trustworthy, either through their words or actions. They will swear that they are solid. Some even go as far as to swear on their life that you can count on them. And then they stab the unsuspecting, naïve, trusting person in the back.

Anyone who lives in a colder climate knows that when the temperatures turn frigid for an extended period of time, lakes freeze and the ice is solid. But once the weather starts to warm up for several days, even if the ice on the lake appears solid, it is very dangerous to trust it. It can look solid, but be too thin, and will break. You can trust the ice until the heat weakens it.

The same principle applies to most people. They may appear solid and trustworthy. They may swear to you that you can trust them and that they would never betray you; but once circumstances, or other people, put some heat on them, like the ice on the lake, they are not solid enough to withstand the pressure.

It is foolish to put too much trust in someone. Someone who is solid and trustworthy today, may not be that trustworthy when his or her back is against the wall or when circumstances change. Just as heat changes ice from a solid to a liquid, bad fortune, hate, envy, jealousy, and greed has a way of changing the character and honor of weak people.

Never completely trust someone who is not a man or woman of honor! If someone doesn’t take his honor seriously, then he or she will have no problem lying or stabbing you in the back, if the incentive is great enough. Always remember, everybody swears that they are solid, but ice is solid too, until you put some heat on it. Bohdi Sanders ~ author of the #1 Bestseller, MEN of the CODE, available from Amazon at: Signed copies are available from

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