Trust is earned, respect is given, & loyalty is demonstrated - Bohdi Sanders

Trust is earned, respect is given, and loyalty is demonstrated. Betrayal of any of those is to lose all three.

Trust must be earned, especially in today’s world where it seems that the majority of people will lie, cheat, or steal to get what they want in life. I cannot even tell you how many times I have put my trust in someone only to later find out that they were not trustworthy or an honorable person. Now, it almost takes an act of God for me to trust someone.

Respect is given; it is not someone that you are automatically entitled to in life. Don’t get me wrong, everyone is entitled to be treated with respect, at least until they give you a reason to treat them otherwise. But treating someone with respect and actually respecting someone are two completely different things. True respect comes by earning the respect of others in such a way that it is freely given to you.

Loyalty, on the other hand, must be demonstrated and proved. You prove your loyalty to someone through you words and actions. When someone is badmouthing your friend, do you sit silently by the side or do you stand up for your friend? When you friend is under attack from his enemies, haters, or internet trolls, do you hide in the shadows or do you take his side and help him fight for what is right? Loyalty requires action; sitting on the sidelines waiting for the storm to blow over is simply a betrayal of loyalty.

And speaking of betrayal, betrayal of any of these is to lose all three. If you show that you can’t be trusted, why would anyone respect you or remain loyal to you? If you don’t give respect when respect has been earned and is due, why would that person trust you, remain loyal to you, or give you respect in return? If you prove that you are disloyal to your friend, why would you expect your friend to be loyal to you, or to trust or respect you?

Many people have lost the reality that our words and actions have consequences, and that you are not entitled to anything in this world. If you want trust, you must earn it. If you want to be respected, you be prove that you deserve to be given respect. If you want others to be loyal to you when you really need them, you must show that you are loyal to them when they need you. Remember, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

What you think, say, and do matters. Your character matters. If you want to be regarded as a man or woman of honor, then you must conduct yourself with honor – be trustworthy, be deserving of respect, give respect when respect is due, and be loyal to your friends and family. In short, WARRIOR UP! Bohdi Sanders ~ author of the #1 Bestseller, MEN of the CODE, available from Amazon at: Signed copies are available from

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