Your Honor depends on You – Bohdi Sanders

Ancient warrior with a sword - Bohdi Sanders

Honor is that which no man can give you and no man can take away. It’s a gift a man gives to himself. Rob Roy

Honor resides in your own heart; other people’s opinions about your honor are meaningless. Only you truly know whether you are an honorable man or not. No one else can see into your heart. No one else knows the true intentions behind your actions.

If honor is formed and resides inside of your heart, how can anyone else ever take it away from you? And, if no other man can take it away from you, how is it possible that you would have to defend your honor from others?

The answer to these questions is that no one can take your honor from you and therefore, you do not have to defend your honor. As I stated, honor is something that you maintain internally; it is not something that you have to defend from others. Now, you may have to defend your reputation, but your reputation is not the same thing as your honor. Bohdi Sanders ~ excerpt from the #1 Bestseller, MEN of the CODE, available from Amazon at: Signed copies are available from

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