Martial arts self-defense - Bohdi Sanders

In cases of defense tis best to weigh the enemy more mighty than he seems. William Shakespeare

Never underestimate your enemy. You really never know just how dangerous or how vicious someone else actually is, and it is always a mistake to see an enemy as no “real” threat. With the weapons available in today’s society, there is no enemy that should be taken for granted. Every enemy should be seen as a threat, even if that enemy seems weak and vulnerable.

Your enemy has multiple ways of attacking you in today’s world, and the enemies that you may consider weak, will not “play fair.” They know inside that they cannot stand up to you man to man. These people are cowardly and underhanded. They do not have the courage to work out their problem with you face-to-face; it is much more likely that they will attack you behind your back.

Expect the unexpected. Expect your enemy to be dishonorable and to fight dirty. If you do not underestimate your enemy, you will not allow yourself to become lax in your defense. Don’t give your enemies an opening because of your overconfidence.

Overconfidence can be a deadly mistake. Even if you consider your enemy to be weak, watch him like he is mighty. In all honesty, you never really know for sure what someone else is capable of, or the extent of his skills. Many martial arts masters do not look like much of a physical threat, but looks can be deceptive. Don’t underestimate any enemy. It is much better to be safe than sorry. Think about this. Bohdi Sanders ~ excerpt from BUSHIDO: The Way of the Warrior, available from Amazon at: or from The Wisdom Warrior website at: Also, check out my #1 Bestsellers, MODERN BUSHIDO and MEN of the CODE!

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