Don’t share too much about Yourself – Bohdi Sanders

Warrior Wisdom by Bohdi Sanders

To play with cards exposed is neither useful, nor in good taste…display a bit of mystery about everything…do not disclose your inner self to everyone. A prudent silence is the sacred vessel of wisdom. Baltasar Gracian

No one would ever consider playing poker with all of his cards exposed to the other players around the poker table. That would be ridiculous! Yet many people believe this is exactly what they should do in the game of life.

People mistakenly believe that they must disclose everything, and tell those who they are dealing with every single detail, or else they aren’t being totally honest (although people who are concerned with being totally honest seem to be in the minority).

It is usually the man of honor and integrity who makes this mistake because he is trying to be completely honest and upfront to the point of disclosing things which are no one else’s business. You can be completely honest without disclosing everything that you know.

There is a big difference between being dishonest and being completely open with all your information, thoughts, and goals. Disclosing too much information is simply setting yourself up as an easy target.

Be careful about how much you share. Never answer a question until it is asked, unless there is some advantage in your doing so. Just as keeping your cards well protected in a card game is vital to your success in that game, maintaining a bit of mystery and knowing what to share and what to keep to yourself is vital to your success in the game of life.

Although there is a time when silence can be dishonorable, on the whole, a prudent silence is indeed the sacred vessel of wisdom, and it is to your advantage to keep this vessel filled.
Bohdi Sanders ~ excerpt from Defensive Living: The Other Side of Self-Defense available on Amazon at: Signed copies are available from

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