Never Allow a Bully to win – Bohdi Sanders

There's a problem thinking the strongest can take what they want. There's always somebody stronger! Duncan MacLeod, The Highlanders

There’s a problem thinking the strongest can take what they want. There’s always somebody stronger! Duncan MacLeod, The Highlander

Bullies have always had the attitude that they can take what they want, do what they want, and treat other people however they want because they are bigger or stronger. And many times they are right about that. Most people will cower down when faced with a bigger, stronger, loud, obnoxious bully. After all, all most people want is to simply live their life in peace and be left alone.

The problem is that bullies rarely just leave weaker people alone. They feed off of their fear; it makes them feel stronger and more powerful. So they continue to treat others rudely, taking what they want and instilling fear in the hearts of others. That is, until they meet someone stronger; and there is always someone stronger.

No bully has ever changed his ways because he simply had a change of heart and decided to start loving people and treating them with respect. Bullies only change their ways after someone stronger stands up to them and refuses to be bullied. The bully will only stop bullying others when he is forced to stop by someone stronger, whether that person is stronger physically, mentally, or strategically.

Bullies will take whatever they are allowed to take, for as long as they are allowed to take it. The only way to stop a bully from bullying you, or someone else, is to stand up to them and take him down a notch or two. When you stand up to a bully, especially if you are able to give them a good, old-fashioned, attitude adjustment, then, and only then, will his attitude change.

The bully, just like criminals and street thugs, only respond to strength and power. If they sense you are ready, willing and able to pound them into the dirt, they will leave you alone. But most bullies are not that bright, so you must demonstrate that fact to them in a way that leaves no questions about what will happen if they ever target you again.

As Duncan MacLeod stated, “There’s a problem thinking the strongest can take what they want. There’s always somebody stronger!” Be stronger! Be smarter! And refuse to allow a bully to bully anyone, whether it is you or anyone else in your presence. Warrior up! Bohdi Sanders ~ author of BUSHIDO: The Way of the Warrior, available from Amazon at:  or from The Wisdom Warrior website at:

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