Warrior Up! Bohdi Sanders

Bohdi Sanders Quotes

Warriors drink from a different cup of tea than the average guy.

Warriors are a different breed of people. Warriors drink from a different cup of tea than the average guy. We see things in a different way and are able to read people better. We are able to look behind the veil and see what is truly happening, people’s true intentions, if you will.

The warrior lives life a little more seriously than average people, as we understand that which most people don’t realize. We know that not everyone is a good person, just doing the best that they can. We understand that the unexpected happens and that you had better be prepared for it; thus we prepare in every way that we can.

Warriors know that not everyone sees life as we do, that many go through life in an almost semi-hypnotic state, relying on luck to survive day to day. Most people are oblivious to what is happening around them. The warrior doesn’t rely on luck; he makes his own luck by training, studying, being aware, and preparing for what may come.

When I used to teach school, I would put some strong kava kava in my green tea, and it would make this strange, suspended smoke in the tea, as well as coming out of the tea cup. My students would ask me what I was drinking, and I told them, “Dragon’s smoke.” It never came out as an image of a dragon, like this meme, but it was great for contemplating, and helping me relax while dealing with a classroom of gang members.

Warriors like to relax like everyone else, but when we are relaxed, we are still aware of what’s going on around us. We see more and understand more than most people. Many times, people think they are pulling the wool over our eyes, but we know more than we let on, and simply watch to see how things play out before we respond.

The warrior’s cup of tea is not for everyone. Most people see us as paranoid or uptight, but we know different. But when the shit hits the fan and everyone else is in a blind panic, we are the ones who are quietly and calmly responding.

That is when the dragon’s smoke rises from inside of us and our training and preparation takes over. That is when everyone is happy to have the warrior in their midst! Bohdi Sanders ~ author of BUSHIDO: The Way of the Warrior, available from Amazon at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1937884201 or from The Wisdom Warrior website at: https://thewisdomwarrior.com. Also, check out my #1 Bestsellers, MODERN BUSHIDO and MEN of the CODE!

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