True Warriors Never want to fight – Bohdi Sanders

Samurai with Sword looking over the mountains

Being strong doesn’t mean you always have to fight the battle. True strength is having the self-confidence to walk away from the nonsense with your head held high.

Often I see a meme on social media which states, “Warriors are not the ones who always win, but they are the ones who always fight.” Every time I see this saying shared, and hundreds of martial artists liking it, it makes me cringe. It is total rubbish, written for wannabes who think they are tough, but have no clue.

The truth is that the true warrior doesn’t always fight. In fact, the true warrior is willing to walk away from any fight that he can. He will only fight when he has no other choice in the matter, and that is pretty rare. The meme would be more honest if it read, “Warriors don’t always fight, but wannabe warriors and fools do.”

Any warrior or martial artist worth his salt will do everything possible to walk away from a possible explosive situation. Those with experience know how easy it is to seriously hurt or kill someone, even if that is not your intention. In any fight, there is always the possibility that someone will not go home. I know of people who have died from one punch which led to them falling, hitting their head on something, and later dying. Ever heard of murder, manslaughter, jail time, and financial ruin? Those are your possibilities in that situation, especially if you have been trained in martial arts.

Always be willing to swallow your pride, de-escalate a fight, and walk away with your head held high. Boys and fools think they have to prove how tough they are; warriors already know and don’t feel the need to prove anything to anybody. Leave meaningless fights to the morons of this world, and live your life like a warrior – with character, honor, integrity, self-control, self-confidence, and independent of the thoughts and opinions of others. Warrior up! Bohdi Sanders ~ author of the #1 Bestseller, MEN of the CODE, available from Amazon at: Signed copies are available from

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