Anger is one letter short of DANGER! – Bohdi Sanders

Anger is one letter short of DANGER - Bohdi Sanders

You must learn to control your thoughts, words, and actions if you are going to live the warrior lifestyle. Anger is one letter short of danger. When you decide to get angry, then you better keep a tight reign over your words and actions. Allowing your anger to dictate your words or actions is a very dangerous proposition.

Moreover, I said “decide” to get angry because that is the only time that you should be angry – when you DECIDE to be. If someone can MAKE you angry, then they can control and manipulate you as they wish; you are just a puppet on a string waiting for your puppet master to command you.

Nobody can MAKE a true warrior angry; he chooses anger as a correct response to a situation and uses anger like a well-honed blade. True warriors are not controlled or manipulated. They live their life by their own rules and choices. You can’t push their buttons because they are self-disciplined and controlled.

To the experienced warrior, anger is a tool, not an emotion. He never allows his emotions to control his mind or his actions. Anger is one letter short of Danger; that letter is “D” and stands for “decision.” You decide to control your anger or you decide to react and allow anger to control you. It all depends on the DECISION you make. Warrior up! Bohdi Sanders ~ author of BUSHIDO: The Way of the Warrior, available from Amazon at: or from The Wisdom Warrior website at:

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