Always Be as Prepared as Possible – Bohdi Sanders

Dragon and Asian Woman - Bohdi Sanders

If you really believe that it is important to be prepared to handle whatever challenges may come your way, then you should believe that you must train to be prepared. There is no way that you will be prepared if you don’t take action to make yourself prepared. The state of full readiness doesn’t just automatically happen. You have to train to develop this attitude of mind and spirit, and the preparation of physical skills. Just like all of the other traits of the warrior lifestyle, you have to work to attain the state of preparedness.

The truth is, attaining the state of total preparedness takes more work than most of the other traits of the true warrior. In fact, it would be impossible to be prepared for every single thing that could ever happen, unless maybe your name is MacGyver. What preparedness means to the warrior is being as prepared as possible to successfully encounter whatever difficulties may come his way. It doesn’t mean he is totally prepared for every single possible problem. It would be impractical to walk around daily with a backpack full of supplies ranging from a snakebite kit to climbing gear.

Although it is impractical to think that anyone can be completely prepared for anything at anytime, and will always have all the tools he needs at his disposal, you can be mentally and physically prepared for a multitude of problems. You may not walk around daily carrying a snakebite kit, but you can walk around with the knowledge of how to treat a snake bite, should this unfortunate incident take place. Part of being prepared is obtaining knowledge about many different things, and being able to recall and use that knowledge when needed.

A wide, general base of knowledge, covering many possible topics, is definitely an important part of being prepared to meet life’s challenges. Many opportunities are lost from lack of knowledge. Study and learn as much as you can about many different subjects; you never know when the knowledge you obtain will come in handy or will get you out of a tight spot. Having a vast and diverse foundation of knowledge is an important part of your mental preparedness, but it is not the only piece of being mentally prepared to meet life’s challenges.

Besides obtaining knowledge on many different subjects, you also have to train your mind to be prepared to handle emergency situations or physical conflicts. Being able to think rationally and stay calm in an emergency situation does not come naturally; you have to train your mind to handle high stress situations, just like you train any other part of your body. Bohdi Sanders ~ excerpt from the #1 Bestseller, MODERN BUSHIDO: Living a Life of Excellence, available from Amazon at: or from The Wisdom Warrior website at:

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