Take control of your own mind – Bohdi Sanders

An ordinary man will draw his sword when ridiculed and will fight, risking his life, but he may not be called a courageous man. A truly great man is not disturbed even when suddenly confronted with an unexpected event or crisis, nor is he angered upon finding himself in a situation not of his own making, and this is because he has a great heart and his aims are high. Gichin Funakoshi

An ordinary man will draw his sword when ridiculed and will fight, risking his life, but he may not be called a courageous man. A truly great man is not disturbed even when suddenly confronted with an unexpected event or crisis, nor is he angered upon finding himself in a situation not of his own making, and this is because he has a great heart and his aims are high. Gichin Funakoshi

Don’t allow anyone to goad you into a fight. Doing so does not make you courageous or tough; it makes you stupid and easily controlled. If you allow someone else to “make” you angry, you are allowing them to manipulate you as they will. This is just plain unwise and demonstrates a lack of self-control.

The truth is that nobody can “make” you angry. You decide to be angry. Nobody controls your mind or emotions but you. Once you decide to take control of your mind and your emotions, no one can control you.

Don’t allow external situations to dictate your thoughts or emotions; don’t allow other people to control when you get angry. Don’t allow others to goad you into reacting when they try to get under your skin. Decide to respond instead of reacting. This gives you the power and puts you in control instead of the other person.

The wise man thinks and then responds; the fools reacts and then thinks. Never make the decision to fight unless you have no other option and never fight for ego or pride. Be above such ridiculous, immature behavior! Bohdi Sanders ~ author of the #1 Bestseller, MEN of the CODE, available from Amazon at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B017JA1ZUM. Signed copies are available from https://thewisdomwarrior.com.

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