Be Your Own Motivation – Bohdi Sanders

You will never always be motivated. You have to discipline yourself to get your goals. Bohdi Sanders

You will never always be motivated. You have to discipline yourself to get your goals.

There is no one on the face of this earth who always wakes up motivated and inspired to live life to the fullest. It is a part of being human that we have different moods, different energy levels, and just plain off days. This is just a fact of life.

If you only train when you feel pumped up and motivated, your training time will be sporadic at best. Being motivated deals with your mental state and emotions, and can change hour by hour, or even minute by minute. You have to discipline yourself to override your mind and emotions, and simply be consistent.

You must learn to control your mind and emotions, not allow your mind and emotions to control you. Become the supreme commander over your spirit, mind, emotions, and body. You must consciously dictate to your body what it will do, whether your feel like it or not.
In life, you basically have two choices: You either control your mind, emotions, and body, or you allow your mind and emotions to dictate to you what your body will do and when you will do it. Control your mind and emotions or they will control you!

Warriors can’t afford to be led by their emotions. Emotions change on a dime. Allowing your emotions to dictate your actions can be volatile and actually very dangerous, especially for the warrior. Think about it, if you allowed yourself to attack rude people every time your emotions are screaming at you that you should rip this guy’s head off, it would not be long before you are living inside a cage.

You have to override your emotions, discipline your mind, and consciously make decisions about what your will and won’t do. You must be the master of your mind and emotions, not the other way around. You decide when you will train, not your mood. You decide how you will respond, not your anger or temper. You must make a conscious decision that you are in charge, not your mind or your emotions.

Discipline yourself to do what you have to do to reach your ultimate objectives. Don’t allow lethargy to dictate your training schedule or your actions. The difference between those who reach their goals and those who only move towards their goals when they are motivated, is self-discipline and consistency. Time waits for no man; NOW is the time to take control your life. Discipline yourself and achieve your ultimate objectives! Bohdi Sanders ~ excerpt from, BUSHIDO: The Way of the Warrior, available from Amazon at: or from The Wisdom Warrior website at:

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