Always do What is Right – Bohdi Sanders

Samurai with a Sword

I don’t always do what’s NICE, but I will always do what’s RIGHT.

Many times, there is a big difference between what is nice and what is right. Our world has become so politically correct that people seem to believe that what is nice is always right. That couldn’t be farther from the truth! When some thug attempts to rob you or assault you or your family, are you going to be nice to him or are you going to do what’s right?

Political correctness has warped the minds of a lot of people in our country. We have allowed our schools and colleges to push political correctness on our kids to the point that they cannot tell the difference between what’s right and wrong. They now want to ban certain words, ban some people from speaking on campuses, and even many of our laws today are as dangerous for the innocent as they are to the criminals, because people want to “be nice” to the criminals.

In many states, if some criminal breaks into your home and you shoot him, the backward laws allow the criminal, or his family, to sue you for assaulting him. This is idiocy! If someone breaks into your home to do you or your family harm, you have no requirement to be “nice” or gentle to that criminal, but our politically correct legal system can’t seem to comprehend that in many states.

That garbage doesn’t fly with me. I don’t always do what’s nice, but I will always do what’s right. I don’t water down my writings for mentally fragile, overgrown adolescents. I do what’s right according to my own spirit; I write what’s right according to my own heart. I have no responsibility to “water it down” for those who can’t deal with how I see the world.

If you are so weak-minded that you are offended by, and want to ban, writing or speech that you don’t agree with, you have more in common with Hitler, Stalin, and ISIS than you do with real Americans. If you believe that being nice is more important than doing what is right, you are a part of the problem.

Doing what’s right is not always the same as doing what’s nice. I am always nice to people I meet, unless there is a good reason not to be nice. Being nice, when the right action requires action that is not so nice, is simply an act of cowardice.
I guess I see the world differently than most people. That is fine with me; I have no burning desire to fit in with those who put what is easy over what is right. As Marcus Aurelius taught, I do what’s mine to do and don’t worry about the rest. I do what I believe is right, period. Do what’s right and let the chips fall where they may. Warrior up! Bohdi Sanders – author of the TOP 10 Bestseller Defensive Living: The Other Side of Self-Defense available on Amazon at: and the #1 Bestseller, MEN of the CODE, available from Amazon at: Signed copies are available from

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