Let People Think What They Will – Bohdi Sanders

A lion does not have to prove it is a threat. You already know what it can do. Bohdi Sanders

A lion does not have to prove it is a threat. You already know what it can do.

The warrior does not need to prove that he is a warrior; he (or she) is content in simply knowing that he is a warrior. He doesn’t have to go around bragging about how tough he is or what he can do. In fact, he had rather others didn’t know about how tough he is or what he may be capable of. He likes to keep the element of surprise on his side.

Everyone already knows that a lion is a deadly creature; just as they know that warriors have the skills to be deadly should circumstances require them to be. There is no reason for you to go around telling people how deadly you can be. Doing this only invites thugs and morons to come find out for themselves.

In fact, when someone tells you how tough they are, that is usually a sure sign that they are not someone you have to worry about. They are probably not very tough or skilled. The man that you have to worry about is the one who is quiet until he is pushed too far. And by the time you figure out how tough he really is, it is too late for you!

Those who constantly tell everyone how tough they are, are usually very insecure. The warrior, who is secure in his abilities, has no reason to brag about what he can do. He already knows what he can do and really couldn’t care less whether others know about his skills or not.

These are the quiet guys who sit calmly while things are moving towards the boiling point. They don’t participate in ridiculous pushing and shoving or tough talk. These guys simply act when it is time to act. They aren’t interested in proving anything to anyone. They know what they can do and couldn’t care less whether you know they are dangerous or not. Bohdi Sanders ~ excerpt from, BUSHIDO: The Way of the Warrior, available from Amazon at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1937884201 or from The Wisdom Warrior website at: https://thewisdomwarrior.com.

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