Refuse to be a Victim – Bohdi Sanders

Bohdi Sanders discusses how to handle your anger, hurt, paint, resentments, etc.

Don’t hold on to your anger, hurt, or pain; use them to fuel your own improvement!

When you hold on to your anger, pain, frustrations, or resentments, they only harm you, not the person that you are upset with. Instead, use them fuel your own improvement, and then mentally let that garbage go.

Remember this truism about venomous snakes. Venomous snakes are dangerous and can actually kill you, but contrary to popular opinion, it is not their bite that kills you. The snake bite is very much like getting a couple of shots – two sharp needles penetrating the skin. A couple of pin pricks never killed anyone.

If it were not for the venom which continues to circulate throughout the body, the snake bite would be virtually harmless. It is the venom that remains in the body that causes the problem. The same principle applies to holding on to your anger and hurt.

See the person who hurt you as nothing more than another snake in the grass that bit you. The difference is that you have the ability to remove the venom that person tried to put in your mind. What that person did cannot continue to hurt you unless you allow the venom from that person’s actions to remain in your mind.

Once you remove that venom, and let go of that anger, resentment, and pain, that person’s actions cannot continue to hurt you. Doing this sets you free and heals any damage that may have been done. Always find a way to profit from those who try to hurt you. Refuse to become a victim! Bohdi Sanders ~ author of the new book, The Art of Inner Peace, now available from Amazon at: Signed copies are available from my new website,

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