Remember the Way of the Warrior – Bohdi Sanders

The way of the warrior is based on humanity, love, and sincerity; the heart of martial valor is true bravery, wisdom, love, and friendship. Morihei Ueshiba

The way of a warrior is based on humanity, love and sincerity; the heart of martial valor is true bravery, wisdom, love, and friendship. Morihei Ueshiba

The vast majority of martial arts students today are under the age of 18. Therefore, martial arts instructors have two choices – either conduct extensive vetting of their students, which would cut into their financial bottom line, or water down the martial arts which you teach to your students, not teaching them the brutal truths of the martial arts. The latter is what the majority of instructors opt for in the Western martial arts world.

Because of this, the majority of commercial martial arts dojos have lost the true foundation of the martial arts – the warrior ideals which the martial arts evolved from in the beginning. This has fundamentally changed both the underlying purpose of the arts and the warrior mindset in the arts.

When I talk about losing the warrior mindset in the martial arts, most people automatically think of the more brutal techniques, and those are definitely a part of the warrior mindset when it comes to the physical side of the martial arts. But there is another side of the warrior mindset which they overlook – the warrior ideals. The warrior lifestyle is not all about fighting.

Throughout the centuries, true warriors have lived by a higher code than the average person. They held themselves to a higher standard. Not only were they experts in the art of hand-to-hand combat or self-defense, but they also sought to improve themselves in every way – spiritually, mentally, and physically. This included working to perfect their character, living with honor and integrity, developing courage and wisdom, self-control, and other character traits which are lacking in many dojos today. Bohdi Sanders ~ author of the new book, DEFIANCE: Exposing the Dark Side of the Martial Arts, available from The Wisdom Warrior website at: and on Amazon at:

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