Have the Courage to Stand for What’s Right – Bohdi Sanders

Where you recognise evil, speak out against it, and give no truces to your enemies. The Havamal

Where you recognise evil, speak out against it, and give no truces to your enemies. The Havamal

Those who deal in evil like to silence those who would speak out against them. They like to intimidate others and control the narrative in order to hide the truth and maintain their power. These people use fear and intimidation to keep others from expressing their thoughts or the truth.

The Havamal, the Viking book of wisdom, advises warriors to act in defiance of these people’s attempts to keep everyone else silent and under control. Ask yourself what those who are dealing in lies and evil fear the most. The answer is the truth coming to light.

This is why The Havamal urges us to speak out against evil whenever we recognise it. But it also goes a step further and states that we should give no truces to our enemies who have evil intentions. If they persist in with their evil plans, it urges warriors to crush them.

Bullies and those with evil intentions do not change their ways because they have had a change of heart; they change their actions because good men and women have the courage to stand against them and stop them.

Stand up to the bully and hit back, and like magic, his attitude changes. Stand against those with evil intentions and crush them, and their plans go down in flames. Have the courage to do what’s right, even when there is risk in doing so. This is the way of the warrior! Warrior up! Bohdi Sanders ~ author of BUSHIDO: The Way of the Warrior, available from Amazon at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1937884201 or from The Wisdom Warrior website at: https://thewisdomwarrior.com.

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