You are Responsible for Everything in your Life – Bohdi Sanders

It is not only what we do, but what we do not do, for which we are accountable. Moliere

It is not only what we do, but what we do not do, for which we are accountable. Moliere

You are accountable for both your actions and your lack of action. As a warrior you are expected to do the right thing; you are expected to make your decisions in accordance with your honor. There are times when you can do wrong by taking no action at all.

For example, if you see a lady being harassed by two thugs, and you decide to do nothing and walk on by, you are accountable for your lack of action. You are a warrior and you have the duty to get involved and protect this lady. Your lack of action would be against your code of honor.

A warrior has a greater duty than the average man. He has a responsibility to protect the weak and those in need. Not doing so, when he has the opportunity, is a dishonorable act. If you see an injustice and take no action, is that a sign of courage or cowardice?

How do you think the “real” warrior would react in this circumstance? Would a true warrior be indifferent to a travesty that he could stop by stepping in and taking action? Of course not! He would use the skills he has developed to protect those who needs his protection.

Take action when action is needed. Don’t let fear or indecision cause you to simply do nothing when duty is screaming for you to act. Live the code that you profess. Be able to rationally explain both your actions and your inactions. Make sure that you have a rational reason for all of your actions and intentions. Bohdi Sanders ~ excerpt from, BUSHIDO: The Way of the Warrior, available from Amazon at: or from The Wisdom Warrior website at:

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